Pneumonia is a disease that is often mentioned by doctors on patients, but it's hard to imagine what kind of disease by a layman. Pneumonia is a disease that can prove fatal, for example, is the bird flu and swine flu, which is one form of pneumonia and has resulted in many deaths.
Pneumonia is actually all kinds of infection that attacks the lungs (pulmonary & bubble surrounding tissue), which can be caused by various germs. This disease may be preceded by nose & throat infection and then attacking into the lungs a few days later.
Place transmission of infection becomes important for the physician in determining the diagnosis and treatment of patients with pneumonia, whether obtained from the environment (CAP) or obtained from the hospital (HAP). HAP is one of the 'major killers' patients who are hospitalized in the hospital. The disease is also a 'major threat' for people with chronic diseases, old age / too young (baby), constantly in bed, was unconscious for a long time, paralyzed, or disrupted his body's defense system. The things that facilitate the occurrence of this disease is if the person is a smoker, often drinking alcohol, have diabetes, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pneumonia is contagious to those around the sufferer through saliva and nasal discharge of patients, including when the patient coughing / sneezing, or using eating utensils, drinking & handkerchiefs together.
Symptoms of the disease can vary, depending on the age and type of inflammation that occurs. Common symptoms are often encountered are fever, chills, cough with phlegm, rapid breathing, breathing with wheezing sound / snoring, shortness of breath accompanied by chest movement is not normal, vomiting, chest pain, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, until lip & bluish fingertips.
Pneumonia should be treated by a physician, although not required hospitalization in the hospital.Immediately brought to the hospital if the patient experienced rapid breathing / shortness of breath, a very high fever (above 39 degrees Celsius), or lip / tip nails become pale blue.
On examination the doctor, the patient suffered from pneumonia several typical symptoms, particularly lung examination with a stethoscope to listen to breath sounds in patients with pneumonia to be abnormal. If needed, will be asked to check the photo Chest X-rays & lab to confirm diagnosis of pneumonia.
In general, in patients with pneumonia were asked to rest and be given appropriate treatment while the symptoms. For example, in the shortness of breath, oxygen is given extra help. In patients with respiratory failure, respiratory assistance provided with the tools of breath (ventilator). Patients were also given drugs to thin the phlegm & trained to breathe deeply. In patients with fever, given febrifuge.
For specific treatment, medication adjusted to approximate the germs that cause it. If the cause is bacterial, the doctor gives the appropriate antibiotics. Patients are encouraged to drink sufficient quantities, also eat nutritious foods in small portions but frequently to avoid vomiting patient.
Some of the germs that cause pneumonia can be prevented by vaccination. An example is the pneumococcal vaccination, hemofilus influenza type B, pertussis, influenza virus, and chicken pox if it is available for people who are at high risk for these diseases.