Each medium has unique strengths and weaknesses so that no single media is able to meet all the needs and advertising goals.
The first stage is to study the advertising and understand the goal setting and target audience. At this stage learn media planning advertising purposes. The purpose of this is what will determine whether the appropriate media used in advertising goals.
For example, if the aim to create a strong introduction to all the attributes of the brand, especially the logo, packaging and content, the use of the descriptive media such as print media will be faster. The purpose of advertising is very diverse and need to be properly understood before determining the media used. Each medium has unique strengths and weaknesses, so that no single media that is able to meet all the needs and advertising goals.
At the same time, media planning should also be studied carefully targeted audiences to deliver advertisement. Advertising is paid communication process by a brand, product, or institution through the right media to target a specific audience to create the effect of certain communications.
We see elements of this activity is quite diverse, ranging from the message, advertisers, media, target audience, and the effects. One of the important elements that become the focus of media planning is the target audience. To the advertising messages they want delivered and are expected to generate a positive effect on brand advertising medium.
Target audience understood through demographic and psychological characters. Even to this day is also often understood through their behavior. Demographic character can be quantified, such as age, education, occupation, or income.
While the characters are qualitative in nature such as psychographic attitudes, values, opinions, or lifestyle. Character behavior regarding one's actions in these things like shopping.
This behavior is related to the pattern or their everyday habits in using the media. For example, the target audience defined an ad campaign of men, aged 25 to 45 years, are in the socio-economic classes A, educated scholars, working at the level of manager, has a healthy and energetic style, and oriented to benefit when buying goods. When the target audience or target the delivery of messages is defined like this, the media planner will go into the second stage in the process of media planning.
The second phase is to analyze the media with the potential to fulfill the purpose to advertise and reach target audiences that have been defined.
In this phase, a media planner will dig as much information obtained through any media that are considered relevant to the advertising objectives and target audience. The things that need to be explored include anyone who read, hear, or watch the media channels.
Each media usually have descriptive data that describes their audience. Most of the data is still about demographic data, psychographic data and the reason for the behavior has not been held regularly by many media by reason of lack of funds to conduct audience surveys.
Even still a lot of media who wondered just who their readers without first doing the right audience surveys. The more complete data owned media planners, the easier for him to do a short list of media excellence.
Usually the first way is to do is set the rating based on the number of readers, listeners, or viewers. This figure is generally accepted to indicate the popularity of a media in the middle of a particular audience.
Another thing that will study the media planners are other advantages of each medium, such as circulation and print quality for print, index, and composition of media audiences, and the values of the acquired every media brand.
Furthermore, media planners see and browse the media content or program, to determine if they fit with the brand you want to communicate or not. This is important because the media selection is not just based on numbers, but also the suitability of media content with a brand that is very qualitative and related imagery.
Because it is a medium that is read-income and highly educated audience is not necessarily appropriate for products aimed at those circles if the content and quality of media production does not fit the brand image you want to advertise.
Among those reading the media could be just to look for specific information, not to read it in its entirety. In-depth discussions with media owners to be conducted planners to learn more about the media that have been signed while the options list. That's why this second stage is very important in the process of media planning.