Beware Frequent urinating

FREQUENTLY urinate or better known by people unfamiliar with the terminology beser to watch out because it could trigger other diseases. 

In medical terms, frequent urination better known as overactive bladder (OAB). Based on the definition of the International Continence Society (ICS) in 2002, overactive bladder (OAB) is defined as a collection of symptoms: urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, usually accompanied by frequency and nocturia. 

"Beser can be said with more than 8x/hari berkalikali urine, or 1 time / 4 hours, in addition to the patient really want to urinate," said Doctor specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics consultant FKUI / RSCM, Dr Siti Setiati, SpPD K-Ger

The disease is more often among women. Based on the study of Asia Pacific Continence Advisory Board (APCAB) in Asian countries, at least 53 percent of women in Asia affected by symptoms of overactive bladders. "Now the OAB is not only experienced by older women, but also in women in reproductive age (25-30 years)," said the doctor who had practiced at Nusantara Medical Center, Granadi Building, Kuningan. 

Setiati said, there are some symptoms of OAB. If these symptoms appear, will cause new problems, namely psychological problems. That means, someone who suffers OAB lead can not be everywhere (hard to travel), embarrassment, loss of confidence, depression, feeling a burden, impaired physical activity and employment, social interactions, disruption in sleep patterns, to sexual problems such as avoiding sexual relations. Of course, it will reduce the quality of life. "Uncomfortable, unpleasant odor, skin abrasions, falls, insomnia (disturbed sleep) and dehydration, is the impact on patients with OAB," said Setiati who also served as Chairman of the Study Program Specialist Internal Medicine Faculty of medicine. 

There are three important phenomena that must be considered when diagnosing OAB is urgency, frequency, and nocturia. The urgency of symptoms of sudden desire to urinate is strong and difficult to hold, with or without inkontinens (bedwetting) or difficulty urinating hold and usually end with incontinence or urge incontinence. Frequency, ie complaints of patients in which to urinate too often in one day (same with polyuria), based on data from the ICS, the frequency of OAB is defined as frequent urination by more than 8 times per day (24 hours). 

While nocturia, ie complaints of micturition at night or waking at night to urinate more than 1 times in 1 night. "Not normally urinate on someone is if he had been doing as much as 2 hours 1 times uncontrollably," said Setiati who also served as deputy chief editor of medical journals Acta Medica Indonesia (IJIM). 

Until now unclear cause of this disease, but experts affiliated with Perkina (Society of continence Indonesia) discovered the existence of excessive contraction of the bladder muscle, which causes the sensation to urinate more often than usual. 

"Factors triggering frequent urination is due to the awareness of falls, urinary tract infections, drugs (diuretics), mental disorders (depression), difficult to move (could not reach the toilet), constipation, and because of beverages (sugar water, coffee ), "said Setiati who served as the Scientific Section of the Central Perkina). 

In connection with the causes of OAB, a specialist in internal medicine from Pluit Hospital, Dr Med. Benny Santosa, Sp PD, say, one of the factors that cause this disease arises is due to diabetes in man. "Diabetes is a disease that could interfere with the function of nerve, muscle, and so on," he said.
For treatment and prevention, can be done in several ways such as with cholinergic medication. These drugs can help control the desire to urinate by reducing the muscle contractions in the bladder wall. This medicine can increase the storage capacity of the urine / urine in the bladder and can delay the desire to urinate. 

by: (Sindo / / tty)