The incident is embarrassing Flickr staff, online photo album service that is now part of the business units Yahoo! Flickr accidentally deleting thousands of loyal users who have photos using the Flickr Pro account for five years and could not return it.
Victims of the incident, Mirco Wilhelm, a photoblogger, said the number of missing photos in his online album as many as 4,000 units. His account can still be used, but empty. In his personal blog, Wilhelm explained the chronology of the loss of the photo album.
"I was shocked when trying to break into my Flickr account. All of a sudden they do not remember if I ever go and actually ask for my password to make sure who I was. Then I was asked to create a new Flickr account.'s Strange, because I already have an account for 5 years with about 4,000 images in it, "he said.
He also reported such discrepancies, let alone know the photo albums disappeared. Shortly afterwards came the reply from Flickr staff that includes an apology for accidentally delete a photo album. Flickr states has not been able to overcome the loss of albums that were deleted and only the promise of return her account only. As compensation, Flickr also offers a subscription account empar year Flickr Pro for free.
However, compensation is not enough to treat disappointment Wilhelm. The pictures in Flickr for many linked (links) to various pages on site so as to restore it must be done manually one by one. Especially during the time he was the Flickr Pro account customers. For him, apologized and subscription discounts are not enough.
"So whether this compensation is really appropriate to link the loss of 4,000 photos from my albums? I have to make again all the links manually, which of course spend time in weeks, even months on the sidelines of free time! Not to mention , external sites using a link to the image including the official page Yahoo and Flickr, "he said. by: