Coffee and Sushi for Pregnant Women

Finding out what can be eaten and which banned can really be a nightmare for mom to be the alias of pregnant women. It seems every day, there is only news about favorite foods that are restricted to pregnant women, so you scared to eat it. Examples of pregnant women who like sipping coffee and eating sushi. 

For you fans of coffee during pregnancy should reduce them. Caffeine can affect fetal heart rate and respiration. Eating up to 300 mg of caffeine a day (in 8-ounce cup of coffee, has about 150 mg, 12 ounce can of soda has 35 to 50 mg, and 8-ounce cups of black tea has 40 mg) is not a problem. 

In addition, pregnant women are prohibited from eating foods like sushi raw and undercooked meat. Some raw foods can cause listeriosis, salmonellosis, and other diseases that can cause miscarriage and serious problems for your baby. Make sure the meat is processed properly before consumption.
Similarly, if you are a fan of shellfish. Cook scallops until cooked. Cooked shellfish that contain low mercuri, such as shrimp. Food is also safe for consumption. 

A dietitian in Longmont, Jenny Dean, says, sometimes does not matter what you eat but how you prepare it, "he explained.
Dean shared the guidelines in handling food. Wash hands with soap and warm running water before handling food, after using the bathroom, and after touching animals. 

Keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood in an airtight container and away from foods that are ready to eat in your refrigerator. When cooking, first cut fruits and vegetables. Handling raw meat, poultry, and seafood that last part.
After handling raw meat, poultry, and seafood, wash knives, cutting boards with soap and hot water. (Parenting / MEL)