Although rare, about 50% of genital tumors in children is a malignancy or prakeganasan, and it should be considered if found chronic genital ulcers, swelling of external genitalia nontraumatik, tissue protruding from the vagina, abdominal pain or enlargement, foul-smelling bloody discharge, and maturation premature sexual.
Benign Tumor Benign genital tumors in children is generally in the form of teratoma, hemangioma, simple cyst in the hymen, parauretra duct retention cysts, granulomas and condylomata akuminata. Small cysts usually do not require therapy. Large cysts require excision and marsupialisasi remaining walls to prevent recurrence. Teratomas require surgical excision. Capillary hemangiomas usually will beregresi spontaneous, but the cavernous hemangioma may cause heavy bleeding in case of trauma and should be evaluated whether it is worth picking up or diablasi.
Malignant Tumors Sarcoma Botryoid (Vagina embryonal carcinoma), Kaposi Botryoid most often found in girls aged less than 3 years. Sarcoma is a tumor that grows rapidly in the vaginal submucosal tissue but to also on the cervix. Vaginal mucosa protruding from the vagina with polipoid growth. A biopsy is needed to make a diagnosis. Performed at for 6 months of chemotherapy followed by surgical removal, radical hysterectomy, and vaginektomi without oophorectomy. Then, followed by chemotherapy and continued for 6-12 months. If the tumor can not be removed, radiation therapy to shrink tumors.
Other Malignant Tumors endodermal carcinoma, carcinoma mesonefrikus, and clear cell carcinoma of the mulleri (associated with intrauterine exposure to DES) are found in children or adolescents. Actually, all genital tumors found in adult women has been reported in children, and similar treatment.