Women who smoke during pregnancy risk giving birth of children who have trouble focusing attention / hyperactivity (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / ADHD). ADHD is a disorder caused behavioral dysfunction with symptoms of major neurobiologik unable to concentrate, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
As reported by Reuters, Anita Thapar physician researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wales College and other researchers to evaluate children with ADHD symptoms. The evaluation was done with a questionnaire to 1452 pairs of twins. In the questionnaire asked whether during pregnancy the mother of the twins were smoking and disturbance / loss suffered by any family.
Results of previous studies published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, found the genetic factor is most important in the case of ADHD. Nevertheless, the association of smoking during pregnancy with the development of ADHD symptoms in children were taken into account.
The results are then evaluated by researchers from the University of Wales to consider the impact of social disruption, birth weight, and smoking during pregnancy. The evaluation results showed that smoking during pregnancy significantly influenced the development of ADHD symptoms.
"Our findings extend previous research results, which show the association of smoking during pregnancy with ADHD, although genetic factors contribute to the symptoms of ADHD," said Thapar.
The main symptoms of ADHD is difficulty concentrating can be manifest as if not hearing, often unable to focus attention on an ongoing basis at the time of completing the task, it is often easy to switch his attention by stimuli from the outside.
While the primary symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity may manifest as very active, tireless, can not sit still, hands and feet are always moving, often running or climbing, too much talk, can not wait turn or queue, often nosy or interfere with other children.
Such behavioral traits are also found in 2 percent to 17 percent of normal children and overlap with symptoms of other psychiatric disorders, such as pervasive developmental disorder including autistic disorder, anxiety disorders, depression and schizophrenia. by: Liputan6.com(Reutr / ARI)